IBA Japan Webinar Japanese Financial Regulatory landscape: Updates and Insights on current developments and priorities (Japanese Session)

Event Report

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This session will be held in Japanese

Overview of the event: 


Please note, we have increased the maximum number of participants to 5 per firm for each session.

Speaker: Mr. Haruhiko “Harry” Saito, Managing Director, Tokyo International Consulting K.K
Date:       Wednesday, September 15th, 2021
Time:      14:30 - 15:30
Venue:    Webinar (Microsoft Teams)

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The number of bilateral and multilateral investment treaties to which the Japanese state is a party continues to grow apace. In this context, our clients (corporates and financial institutions alike) are becoming increasingly interested in the protections available to them under these treaties when planning their overseas investments. In this session, we will:

In light of recent changes in FSA management, Harry’s presentation will:

  • Overview of the FSA’s priorities, in tackling challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Focus on policies for assisting the financial industry’s innovation and digitalization.
  • Highlight measures of promotion and globalization of the Japanese market


Mr. Haruhiko “Harry” Saito, Managing Director, Tokyo International Consulting K.K

Haruhiko “Harry” Saito is the Managing Director of Tokyo International Consulting K.K. and has advised more than 300 domestic and foreign financial institutions, including IBA Japan members, on regulatory issues.

Prior to his current role, Mr. Saito worked at the Bank of Japan and served as Japan’s official member in various working groups including the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision at the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and the IOSCO. Mr. Saito holds a BA in Law from the University of Tokyo and an MBA from Harvard University.