Articles and Useful Information

JSDA - Japan Securities Summit in London

The 2015 “Japan Securities Summit” will take place in London on 11 February, co-organized by Japan Securities Dealers Association (JSDA) and International Capital Market Association.

Distinguished guests and panellists will take part to the JSDA annual event at The Mansion House to discuss the major challenges facing Japan including the growth strategy and fiscal consolidation and provide their insights on Japan’s potential and its securities market’s roles to ensure future sustainable growth.

Speakers and moderators include: 

Macroprudential Policy and Initiatives by the Bank of Japan

Takehiro Sato, Member of the Bank of Japan’s Policy Board, spoke to members of the Japan Society about the Bank of Japan’s macroprudential and monetary policies. In his speech, Mr. Sato gave an overview of the Bank of Japan's strategy to continue combating deflation.

Click here for the speech on the Bank of Japan's website.

Bank of Japan expands monetary stimulus measure

At the Bank of Japan's Monetary Policy Meeting on October 31st, the Policy Board announced that it would increase its asset buying program to 80 trillion yen a year, up from the previous rate of 60-70 trillion yen a year. 

Click here for the statement on the Bank of Japan's website.

The Governor of the Bank of Japan speaks to IBA Japan members and guests

Mr Haruhiko Kuroda, Governor of the Bank of Japan, gave a lunchtime speech to the International Bankers Association of Japan on 29 September. The BoJ’s recent initiatives have been a major policy plank of the revitalisation of the Japanese economy and we are pleased that the Governor shared his thoughts with the foreign banking community during our 30th anniversary year.

FSA publishes 2013-14 Financial Monitoring Report

The FSA has published its Financial Monitoring Report covering the period from July 2013 to June 2014. The Report is based on the Financial Monitoring Policy announced in 2013 and provides an overview of: 

  • the FSA's approach to monitoring the various financial sectors
  • areas of particular focus
  • measures taken by the FSA 

Click here for the report on the FSA website.


IMES publishes new discussion papers

The Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies at the Bank of Japan conducts research on a range of monetary and economic issues with the aim of establishing an appropriate background for monetary policy. The IMES Discussion Paper Series was created to stimulate discussion and comments of issues critical to the Japanese and global economies.

Click here for the latest papers published on the Bank of Japan's website.