Articles and Useful Information

FATF releases Virtual Currencies: Key Definitions and Potential AML/CFT Risks

Recently, virtual currencies have risen to prominence as a powerful global payment method, with potential benefits including increased payment efficiency, lower transaction costs, and wider access to payment options. At the same time, this flexibility and the global reach of virtual currencies present a number of potential Anti-Money Laundering/Combatting the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) risks. 

BOJ Governor Kuroda addresses the Japan Association of Corporate Executives

In his speech to the Japan Association of Corporate Executives, BOJ Governor Kuroda predicted that the rate of increase in Japan's core consumer price inflation would dip over the summer before again moving towards the 2% target from October onwards, supported by aggressive pricing in the private sector and higher wages. 

Click here for the speech on the BOJ website.

Kikuo Iwata: Quantitative and qualitative monetary easing and Japan's recent economic and financial developments

At a Newspaper Editorial Writers' meeting on 26 May 2014, Mr. Kikuo Iwata, Deputy Governor of the Bank of Japan gave an overview of the monetary easing policy introduced by the Bank of Japan last year. He explained the basic thinking behind the policy and described the relationship between the BoJ's monetary policy and the growth strategy being implemented by the government.

Banking & Capital Markets CEOs upbeat about the prospects for the global economy

Banking & Capital Markets CEOs are the most upbeat of all business leaders about the prospects for the global economy (56% believing it will improve over the next 12 months). More than half of them are planning to increase their headcounts (most by at least 5%) over the next 12 months. In a PWC survey of 1000 business leaders from 68 countries, which was launched at Davos 2014, CEOs said they need to manage their business through uncertainty but many of them said their companies are not yet prepared for change in a number of key areas.

IOSCO Publishes Recommendations Regarding the Protection of Client Assets

The International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) has published the final report on Recommendations Regarding the Protection of Client Assets

The report provides guidance to regulators on how to enhance their supervision of intermediaries holding client assets by clarifying the roles of the intermediary and the regulator in protecting those assets.

"The Future of Asian Markets and Exchanges" (FSA conference materials)

The FSA has released the conference summary and presentation materials from the JFSA-JPX joint conference, "The Future of Asian Markets and Exchanges" held in November.

The conference focused on Asian Exchanges’ latest developments, current strategies, and challenges ahead and also explored the roles of the Tokyo market in Asia through presentation and panel discussion by experts on international financial markets, including senior officials of major exchanges.