
A government appointed panel sets out Japan’s progress in developing its financial and capital markets

The goal of the Panel is to vitalise the Japanese economy, promote business and develop the Tokyo market into a leading international financial centre by 2020.  A wide range of measures have been made including regulatory and structural changes to help support this aim and the report also highlights some further issues which need to be tackled.    

Letter to IOSCO and BCBS setting out how current margin settlement requirements will negatively disadvantage Japan and Asian markets because of time zone differences

The Japan Financial Markets Council (JFMC) and the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) sent a letter to IOSCO and BCBS pointing out how the current margin settlement requirements for uncleared swaps will disadvantage Japan and Asian markets because they are in a different time zone. The T+1 requirement will place an additional burden on market participants in the Asia-Pacific region including their access to types of collateral which may result in higher overall funding costs.

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国際銀行協会は、日本の金融庁と公認会計士・監査審査会が、東京に監査監督機関国際フォーラムの常設事務局を誘致することを歓迎します。同フォーラ ムは、各国間での協力促進、情報知識の共有支援、規制の整合性を促進する環境整備を通じて、監査の審査において重要な役割を果たしています。

弊 協会は、同フォーラムの事務局を誘致するには東京は最適な都市だと考えます。東京は、世界第1級の都市であるとともに、一大国際金融センターとしてそれに 相応しい各種設備と人材が備わっています。弊協会は、日本で営業する22か国の銀行と証券会社からなる業界団体であり、東京は国際的なビジネスを営む上 で、多くの利点を有していると確信しています。具体的には、最先端の技術や通信システム、整備された国内外との交通網、快適な生活環境などです。


KPMG 2015 Global Tax Rate Survey 

KPMG released its International’s 2015 Global Tax Rate Survey. The survey has been run for many years in cooperation with KPMG global network member firms. Although the previous surveys covered corporate tax rates and indirect tax rates only, this year’s includes information on individual income tax rates (basically, the top marginal tax rates) and social security rates (both rates for employers and employees) as well.