Past Events

Developments in employment practices in Japan: a legal perspective

Ms. Akiko Yamakawa, Partner, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer

There have been a number of recent developments on labour market conditions both as part of government reform agenda and also in response to recent highly publicised events.

Akiko Yamakawa, Partner at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer will discuss how to manage working hours and overtime issues and provide practical tips. Topics will include:

· Statutory regulations on working hours

· Alternative working hours systems available under law

· Overtime regulations, including:

- court precedents;

- practice of the Labour Standards Office;

- recent discussions relating to “White Collar Exemption” and other overtime    regulations and practical ways to mitigate risks.  

She will also provide an update on recent discussions on labour market reforms including the introduction of equal pay for equal work, and payment of severance allowance in lieu of reinstatement.

2017 Japan Tax Reform Program and other developments

Mr. Jack Bird, Partner

Ms. Akemi Kito, Partner

Ms. Ryann Thomas, Partner

Mr. Shintaro Yamaguchi, Partner

PwC Tax Japan

On December 8th 2016  the LDP Tax Committee released its annual Tax Reform Program (for the year 2017).

The details of the tax reform will be unveiled when the bills are presented to the Diet, these proposals are likely to be implemented in the Japanese taxation system.

Experts from PwC will give IBA Japan members their insight on how these changes may have an impact on the financial services industry in Japan. The presentation will cover various topics including:

· Corporate Tax reform and the expected effects on both foreign and Japanese financial institutions.

· BEPS developments: upcoming transfer pricing requirements

· Explain and provide insight on  local tax inspections, common pitfalls and challenges, areas of complexity etc.

· The impact of possible US tax reforms.
