IBA Japan Webinar: Economy and National Security: Update on the Economic Security Promotion Bill and its Impact on Business

Event Report

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Overview of the event: 

Speaker:  Mr. Shintaro Okawa, Lawyer, Mori Hamada & Matsumoto
Date:       Tuesday, March 29th, 2022
Time:      15:00 to 16:00
Venue:    Webinar (Microsoft Teams or Dail-in)


The Economic Security Promotion Bill (Officially titled: “A bill to promote national security by taking economic measures in an integrated manner”) was submitted to the ordinary Diet on February 25, 2022.

The bill aims to ensure national security through the four economic measures: (1) resilient supply chain, (2) security of critical infrastructure, (3) reinforcement of technological base, and (4) secret patents. The bill has both regulatory and promotional aspects, and it could have a significant practical impact on business including financial institutions.

This webinar follows the presentation Mr. Shintaro Okawa provided on 1st Feb and will be an update following the publication of the Bill, discussing its potential impact on business.


Mr. Shintaro Okawa, Lawyer

Shintaro Okawa is a lawyer at Mori Hamada & Matsumoto. As a lawyer, he handles cross-border transactions and related compliance issues, especially national security regulations such as FDI regulations, export controls, and economic sanctions. Previously, he worked for the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (specifically in the Trade Control Department and Economic Security Office) from 2019 till 2021. While working for the ministry, he was involved in the amendment of Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act (FDI Regulation) and in policymaking for the Economic Security Promotion Bill.

Mr. Okawa graduated from the University of Tokyo with a Bachelor of Law degree. He is an author of “Full Commentary on the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act: Trade Control”(Commercial Law Review, 2022).