IBA Japan Webinar: Sanctions outlook for 2022: key trends and enforcement priorities from US, UK, and EU

Event Report

Thank you for attending the Webinar. 


Overview of the event: 

Alexander Dmitrenko, Partner, Tokyo, Ashurst
Ross Denton, Senior Consultant, Head of International Trade, London
Olivier Dorgans, Partner, Paris
Date:       Thursday, February 24th, 2022
Time:      16:30 to 17:30
Venue:    Webinar (Microsoft Teams or Dail-in)


Sanctions and Trade Wars remain atop of the geo-political and regulatory agenda.  2022 promises to be another challenging year in this regard with the potential escalations of tensions, particularly between US-China and Ukraine-Russia. Adding to compliance complexity, the UK has been focusing on establishing its own post-Brexit sanctions regime distinct from EU sanctions. Sanctions enforcement already affects global companies, and the regulatory focus seems to be shifting to our Asia-Pacific region due to the geographic proximity to many sanctions hot spots, potential conflict of laws between US and China, and perceived – rightly or wrongly – low levels of sanctions compliance.  Financial institutions will likely continue to play a key role in both sanctions compliance and enforcement.  We invited key experts in this area to discuss recent developments and the 2022 outlook, covering key jurisdictions:

•             US sanctions: trends and priorities for 2022, particularly targeting Russia, China/HK and Myanmar

•             UK sanctions: the evolving regime and enforcements

•             EU sanctions: the likely approach to Russia and China tensions


Alexander Dmitrenko, Partner

Alexander is a partner in the dispute resolution practice in Tokyo.  Through his practice in both New York and Tokyo over the last 15 years, Alexander has gained unique expertise in sanctions and export controls, anti-bribery and corruption, anti-money laundering, human rights and forced labour, and other compliance-related matters.  In recent years, Alexander advised numerous financial institutions and other companies on measures related to US-China regulatory tensions.  Alexander is particularly experienced and trusted by clients in conducting the most sensitive internal and regulatory investigations.  An important part of his practice is involved in corporate transactions and projects through conducting due diligence and advising on risk mitigation and compliance system enhancements. Alexander has received extensive client praise for his caring and careful approach to compliance mandates as well as first-hand understanding of business models and cultures in Japan and across Asia. Alexander frequently writes and conducts media interviews related to sanctions developments.  He teaches International Compliance at Temple University Law School Japan, where he is also the Chair of the Compliance Advisory Committee.

Ross Denton, Senior Consultant, Head of International Trade

Ross is a senior consultant in the dispute resolution practice.  Ross has advised Japanese and US multinationals on their international trade and compliance issues for over 30 years.  Ross focuses on avoiding compliance issues, but also has broad experience of assisting clients in internal and external cross-border investigations. Ross' main areas of speciality are: (a) sanctions and export controls, where Ross has acted for a wide range of industries, including technology, oil and gas, and financial services; (b) international trade issues covered by the WTO and regional agreements; (c) Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Anti-money laundering and failure to prevent tax evasion issues; and (d) building, advising on and reviewing integrated compliance systems using common platforms and techniques to ensure that different compliance requirements are dealt with as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Olivier Dorgans, Partner, Paris

Olivier is a partner in our Paris dispute resolution practice.  He has over 12 years of experience and focuses on regulatory compliance, global investigations and, more generally, on financial and economic crime.  His practice covers a wide spectrum of criminal and regulatory issues ranging from economic sanctions and export control rules to the fight against corruption, money laundering and terrorist financing. Olivier has developed significant experience in internal investigations – notably based on the extraterritorial application of US and UK anti-corruption, anti-money laundering, and economic sanctions rules – and has advised and represented numerous clients on these matters. Olivier also assists financial institutions and large industrial groups in designing and implementing global compliance programs.  As such, he focuses on providing practical compliance advice consistent with best practices and local regulations.  Olivier regularly conducts compliance training, notably on corruption, economic sanctions, and money-laundering risks. He also advises and represents French and European clients in proceedings before various French, European and American regulators.