Understanding and Deciphering Conduct Risk & Risk Culture

Event Report

Two presenters from Deloitte discussed the practical considerations associated with embedding conduct risk management into existing risk management processes and governance including:

· Background, definitions and drivers

· Management Processes and frameworks

· Effective Governance

· Communication, including the tone from the top

· Measurement and management information

· Key Challenges and Insights


Mr. David Samach, Director, Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting

Mr. Scott Bower, Executive Officer, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC


“Conduct Risk” has risen to the top of firms’ and regulators`` agendas in recent years. Global regulators are now expecting conduct risk management to be embedded into firms’ risk management frameworks with a high level of focus and attention. It usually shares the same underlying root cause with operational risk but the outcomes which are being considered are different (e.g. risk to market integrity and consumer detriment). Conduct Risk impacts on a diverse range of areas including financial crime, regulatory reporting and system infrastructure.

Two presenters from Deloitte will discuss the practical considerations associated with embedding conduct risk management into existing risk management processes and governance. The planned outcome is to ensure efficiency and effectiveness while demonstrating appropriate management to regulators. This session will address the following:

· Background, definitions and drivers

· Management Processes and frameworks

· Effective Governance

· Communication, including the tone from the top

· Measurement and management information

· Key Challenges and Insights


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