4th March 2025

Exploring Business and Human Rights: Insights from ILO’s Ryosuke Tanaka

On 4 March 2025, IBA Japan hosted an insightful webinar featuring Ryosuke Tanaka, Programme Officer at the International Labour Organization (ILO) Tokyo Office, who provided an in-depth analysis of the evolving landscape of business and human rights and its implications for financial institutions.

Tanaka-san offered a comprehensive overview of international regulatory developments, human rights due diligence, and corporate best practices, highlighting key trends shaping the financial and investment sectors. The discussion covered:

  • The PRI-ILO Investor Guide on Business and Human Rights and its relevance for institutional investors

  • Mandatory human rights due diligence in Europe and the U.S., and the evolving regulatory framework

  • Japan’s policy initiatives, including the National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights and government guidelines

  • Corporate case studies on supply chain management, occupational health and safety, and NGO collaboration

  • Investor engagement strategies, focusing on the role of asset owners and asset managers in integrating human rights considerations

The session fostered a dynamic exchange among participants, with thoughtful questions and discussions on how financial institutions can navigate the increasing expectations surrounding business and human rights responsibilities.

We extend our sincere appreciation to Tanaka-san for sharing his expertise and to all participants for their engagement. IBA Japan remains committed to providing platforms for meaningful discussions on regulatory and market developments that impact the financial sector.

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