Past Events

Japan Compliance Investigations : case studies from financial services and other industries

Mr. James Hough, Partner, Litigation Department, Morrison & Foerster

Businesses are facing increased scrutiny of their business practices from regulators and other authorities.  This often results in a need to put in place a system to conduct internal investigations.

Investigations can vary in their structure, from simple fact finding to more overarching and complex risk assessments.  To facilitate these processes, external firms are often brought in to  provide support.

In this seminar, James Hough from Morrison & Foerster will set out compliance-related lessons learned from conducting internal investigations in Japan over the past 4 years including for financial services firms. The presentation will cover:

Corruption/Fraud Risks
Books and Records/Internal Control Risks
Antitrust Compliance
Data Protection
Privilege Issues
Best practices for internal investigations

The US economy and business environment outlook under a Trump presidency

Mr. Stuart Plesser, Senior Director, Financial Services Ratings 

Mr. David C. Tesher, Managing Director, US  Corporate Ratings

S&P Global

The election of Donald Trump is potentially a game changer. At this seminar, two experts from S&P will set out some post-election scenarios including:   

Bank credit outlook for 2017 and the implications of “Trumponomics” for US banks.
Corporate credit outlook for 2017 (distribution, transitions and defaults, maturities, M&A, interest rate stress scenarios)
Overview of possible post-election policies and strategies and how these will impact different sectors of the US economy including auto, healthcare/Pharma, energy and  IT. 
US financial regulations, steepening yield curve, Brexit , energy prices and emerging credit risks
