Regulatory Update – Global and Local Priorities


Event Report

Brian Polk from PwC's global FS Regulation team reviewed key, recent global developments - primarily from the G20/FSB, European regulators and the US.
Keisuke Yorihiro (PwC Japan's regulatory leader) then provided further insight into how these global themes are being prioritised in Japan.




The last few months have seen many new developments in regulation (eg market rules & trade reporting, recovery & resolution planning, conduct of business), which will affect international banks active in Japan.  Brian Polk from PwC's global FS Regulation team will review key, recent global developments - primarily from the G20/FSB, European regulators and the US.
Keisuke Yorihiro (PwC Japan's regulatory leader) will then provide further insight into how these global themes are being prioritised in Japan.


- The global regulatory reform agenda - timeline & implications
- Too big to fail / structural change
- Prudential regulation
- Market reforms & shadow banking
- Conduct & culture
- Japan - progress & priorities within the global context

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