Past Events

Outlook for Japan's Economy and Monetary Policy in 2013

Dr. Shuji Kobayakawa, Assistant Director-General, Monetary Affairs Department, Bank of Japan
Dr. Kobayakawa discussed how the Bank of Japan views recent developments of the Japanese economy and what it does in order to overcome deflation.
In particular, the BOJ was one of the first central banks to implement unconventional monetary policy-making, and Dr. Kobayakawa elaborated on policy measures, initiated by the Bank of Japan, that are aimed at raising the economy's growth potential. He also discussed implications of BOJ initiatives for foreign financial institutions based in Japan.

Financial Markets 

2013 Tax Reform and the Tax Environment for Foreign Financial Institutions

Mr. Yutaka Kitamura, Executive Director, BTC Financial Services
Mr. Ichiro Suto, Partner, BTC Financial Services

On Friday, February 15, 2013, Mr. Kitamura and Mr. Suto from Ernst & Young Shinnihon Tax discussed recent developments in the Japanese tax system and their impact on foreign financial institutions. The presentation focused on cross-border tax rules including thin capitalization rules, the Japanese version of the “earnings stripping rule”, etc.

