Past Events

Understanding and Deciphering Conduct Risk & Risk Culture

Two presenters from Deloitte discussed the practical considerations associated with embedding conduct risk management into existing risk management processes and governance including:

· Background, definitions and drivers

· Management Processes and frameworks

· Effective Governance

· Communication, including the tone from the top

· Measurement and management information

· Key Challenges and Insights

EN - The Japanese financial regulatory landscape— Overview of current priorities and expectations (English Session)

Mr. Haruhiko (Harry) Saito, CEO and Managing Director, TIC K.K.

Mr. Harry Saito will give an overview of some of the major regulatory issues facing firms at the moment and his views on the regulators’ latest thoughts on inspection, supervision, and policy planning. In particular he will focus on some of the current major FSA themes including expectations regarding the internal audit system, outsourcing and offshoring, liquidity management, customer data protection, and AML/KYC.

